In this episode (our first, so be warned the sound is not great), Darien and Tobias discuss how airline dynamic ticket pricing works, whether it's an automated form of price gouging, and why we're less happy with airline travel now, despite the fact that more people are traveling for less.
- (CNN) Airline pricing secrets: How carriers come up with fares
- (The Verge) Irma is wreaking havoc on plane ticket prices
- (PBS) Why airline profits are flying high
- (Airlines for America) Domestic Round-Trip Fares and Fees
- (Airlines for America) Passenger Airlines Cost Index
- (IATA) Another Strong Year for Airline Profits in 2017
- (Time: Money) People Are Charging $99 For A Gallon of Water During Hurricane Harvey Recovery Efforts
- (Washington Post) A $99 case of bottled water? Texas stores accused of price-gouging in wake of Harvey.